Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I am very happy to share these illustrations with you. I have started off 2015 drawing my very own character as apposed to those from mainstream media and I am so proud to share them with you. The last entry for 2014 showed a preview of "A Reason to Smile!" and 2015 starts off with more adventures for Luiza Brillante! If you'd like to see these images during their development, head to and follow me there!

I hope you enjoy what you see today. If you'd like copies of these prints ($20 for 1, $30 for the two), or a copy of "A Reason to Smile!"($20) you can use to send your payment to thelearningcurv@gmail,com and I'll ship you your copies ASAP! Please be sure to add $6 for your copy of the book to pay for shipping and handling.